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June 8, 2003 Holy Ghost Feast, Saint Joseph.
July 4, 2003 Block Island.
July 5, 2003 Cape Verdean Independence day parade.
July 13, 2003 East Taunton Holy Ghost Feast.
July 15, 2003 Lee Terrace.
July 27, 2003 Bridgewater Nursing Home.
August 5, 2003 Caswell Grove.
August 12, 2003 Fitzsimmons Arms.
September 7, 2003 Fall River Bicentennial Parade.
Sorry, no pictures. The ceremony started a little late. In St. John's cemetery we did a processional march to the chapel for a brief ceremony then another processional to the flag where we did another ceremony. After that we walked back to the street, waited half an hour then formed for a parade to the club. it took about an hour to march to the club. The whole thing was over by 12:50.
This was a relatively easy feast. The parade to the church was under 1/2 mile and the return only slightly longer. We got to the church almost an hour early. We played several marches in front of the church. I managed to get 9 pictures before my batteries went dead.
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This was another hot 4th. I thought there might be a parking problems for the ferry since the 4th was on the Friday of a 3 day weekend. We got to Pt. Judith by 8:30 to catch a 10:30 ferry and there was no "legal" parking left. We ended up going to the state beach about 1/2 mile away and walking to the ferry. See the first 3 pictures which show the parking and the walk.
The boat ride to Block Island was a little bumpy. Because we got there so early we were able to take the earlier (9:30) ferry which did not carry cars and was much smaller than the 10:30 ferry. As it worked out there was a tropical storm in the Atlantic building up some rolling waves. There must have been dozens of people seasick on the way over.
The parade started a little further down this year but the crowds were much larger than other years. There was no crowd control and Dave and Larry (on my side) spent a good deal of time "brushing back" the crowds. The concert went well and we caught the 5:00 boat.
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The parade started at 11:00 and we were the second band. It went pretty slow at first. It appeared that the police were stopping the parade to let traffic get through the intersections. It was a very hot day with a lot of stopping. We lost Jeff on bass drum due to the heat. Fortunately, we had an extra drummer and Nick switched over to the bass drum.
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The parade got underway around 10:15. It proceeded slowly down past the church. It gave us a chance to display our precision marching as the band executed a flawless 180° turn. See pictures 9, 10, 11, and 12. Notice in picture 11 Dave assists two new trombonists Katie Rose (Larry's daughter) and Lindsey Magan both Dighton-Rehoboth students in the execution of the TCB style reversal. Katie is next to Dave and Lindsey is just behind Allison. This is a first for TCB where the women trombonists outnumber the men. As usual, when we got to the church, we played the Hymn and then rested for our return march to the club. See pictures 14 through 26. In picture 27 the band has finished and is turning in their music.
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The concert started at 6:45pm. A Taunton Gazette photographer/reporter took a few pictures. He is visible in slides 2 and 4. This concert was featured in a Gazette article on July 18th. I have extracted the article here. I would have directly linked to it, but at some point it would probably not be available.
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This was our first time to play at the Bridgewater Nursing Home. It was sunny and hot. They had a tent set up for the audience but nothing for the band. Click here to see the panorama that I took before we played. I would like to thank Bob Sherman for taking the pictures on slides 11 through 16. Since i take most of the pictures, it is difficult to get a complete view of the band.
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It was very warm an muggy when we started. There was a heavy mist causing the music to get wet so we moved and set up in the south west corner of the courtyard that was protected by the overhang from the walkway above. At the beginning of the break I managed to get a picture of the band all assembled in the corner. Click here to see it.
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Last concert for the season. I keep trying to get a good panorama of the concert. This one was taken at the corner of the building just as the break started. Click here to see it.
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We met in a shaded area at the Diman Vocational High School in Fall River. The parade started at 1:00, we started at 2:30. The route was down Bedford St. then left on S. Main up to Kennedy park. I have included a panorama of the Diman area looking away from the line up area. If you look closely to the left you can see some band members in the shade of the trees. Our placement in the parade led you to wonder what were they thinking? There was the IBEW float blasting music, then there was the Portuguese American band from New Bedford. Followed by a small Polish American float playing amplified music then us and immediately after us was the Dartmouth High School band. It wouldn't have been too bad if everyone marched to the same tempo.
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